Why is it that so many people end the year exhausted? Not only physically but mentally as well.
Is it because we are stuck on a treadmill and focused on making it to the finish line of Christmas and the New Year?
Throughout the year we think of changes we would love to make, new opportunities we would love to take, risks that excite us, but so often we lack the courage to follow this new path and therefore miss out on the little improvements that can add up to make a big difference.
Our daily routine and weekly routines are often set, and adding changes into these routines can make us worry that we will be thrown out of balance.
The thoughts are often there… ” I would love to try….” but then we hold back, so we miss the opportunity to embrace these ideas and improve our lives.
Making change to our lives however big or small, is an amazing opportunity to open our world to different experiences, better ways of doing everyday tasks, and a happier you.
The start of a New Year is a great time to reflect on our past year. It gives us a chance to stop, re-evaluate and think about what is important to us. It lets us contemplate if we are going in the right direction in our journey, or whether there is another path that feels more aligned and which we may feel the urge to explore. In some ways the beginning of a New Year almost feels like it gives us permission to implement ideas that have been sitting within us over the last year.
Change is so individualised – some people may be in a place in their life where they can handle big changes, like changing jobs or moving house. While others may just want to make smaller changes, like including some meditation in our day, or eating healthier foods. No matter what we decide, when we bring change into our lives something magical happens within us – we awaken a new sense of being, we activate new thoughts and we feel excited and motivated to make the new positive changes. We remember that this is living, and each of us has the ability to try a different path at any time.
Every year on the 1st of Jan we are asked what our New Year resolutions are. Some of us have decided and are ready to go, but most of us usually need to ease into the New year and find that around the end of January to early February we can allow thoughts of what we want for ourselves this year, to form and feel right.
Either way, we need change. Without it we become stagnant. The world is constantly changing, and so we also need to change in order to grow and thrive and be the best that we can be.
Embrace change. Because even if this new path is not right for you, it has given you the chance to experience new things and the opportunity to learn and grow.
Take your time to think about what you truly want this year. You can always start with small steps and take larger strides as you get more comfortable with change.
Trust your intuition – your inner self will always be there to guide you. Your intuition actually already knows the changes you want to make. It also knows the changes you can handle.
Dream big, trust yourself and enjoy a few steps in a positive new direction.
Positive Thoughts + Positive Actions = Positive Results.