In Schools

We care about the Positive Wellbeing and success of every child in your School.

Our passion for improving Wellbeing within NZ and around the world, has led us to create this all-inclusive program - specifically designed to equip your students with the mindset knowledge and tools they need to thrive in every area of their life, and all in a platform they can refer back to over and over again.

We are here to support you in your quest to ensure that every one of your students' is fully equipped to live a Happy and Fulfilling life.

Given the escalating Mental Wellbeing problems among our youth, it makes sense to teach students ways to promote and protect their own Wellbeing while they are at school.

Positive Wellbeing is not only vital for students’ success during their school years, but also for their future paths as they navigate their way in the world. Children who are well-equipped with Positive Mindset Tools are far more likely to learn and perform at their best, now and in the future, and are far less likely to fall into depression during their Teenage years and beyond.

Science has proven over and over again that when children (and adults) are feeling happy, their memory is significantly improved, they are more productive, more creative, more motivated, more engaged and are much more likely to find careers they love and can excel in - increasing their chances of living a longer and happier life.

We all want our kids to be happy, healthy kids who enjoy life and are well equipped with the tools they need to face and overcome the challenges ahead of them.

This program ticks all the boxes – it is an investment in their today, their tomorrow and their future.

Access to the Positive Mindset Challenge requires an investment of $199 per Teacher/class for the first year, and $99 per Teacher/class for each subsequent year. This includes access via both our Web-based platform and our Mobile App.

The full Programme can be used as much as needed throughout the year, and repeated with each new class, year after year.

Student access to The Positive Mindset Challenge Mobile App - $10 per student. Full individual access to the whole programme and all its resources for students who have been through the programme with their Teacher/Educator/Tutor in their classroom.

This enables your students to share the Positive Mindset Challenge with their families at home, plus refer to it over and over again in their own time, pace and privacy.

Contact us to receive your unique $10 per Student Access Code.

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