
The Research surrounding the Positive
Mindset Challenge is endless.
Here are just a few links for further reading…
Martin Seligman - Positive Psychologist
Our beliefs about the world shape our perception. Positive emotions result in many life-long health benefits
Shawn Achor - Positive Psychologist
90% of your long-term happiness is predicted not by the external world, but by the way your brain processes the world
Dr. Bruce Lipton - Biologist specialised in positive thinking
Create new habits through repeated positive thought processes
Harvard Medical School
Blue lights from cell phones disrupt circadian rhythm sleep cycles, and supresses melatonin production.
Beata Souders - Positive Psychologist Professor
Holding onto resentment lengthens the past pain and hardships which caused them.
Sarah Gingell - Psychologist and mental health researcher
Exercise improves mental health.
Dr. Gary Chapman
Knowing your loved one’s love languages creates stronger bonds and improves relationships.
Further Reading