Our Programme

Evidence Based
The PMC strategies are backed by research, ensuring effective outcomes for students’ wellbeing, learning, and overall success, while also fostering a more positive and supportive school environment.
Push Button Ready
No teacher training is required – the PMC is simple for educators to implement in the classroom and requires just 10-15 minutes of class time per lesson.

Youth Focussed
Acknowledges the unique challenges today’s youth face and provides them with the skills and strategies to overcome obstacles, while intentionally building a happy, healthy,
and thriving future.
Support Centered
The PMC mobile app empowers parents and whānau to actively support their children’s mental wellbeing, allowing them to be directly involved in the journey.

Our Comprehensive Programme includes:
- It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it, that matters
- Thoughts, Feelings and Breathing
- Happy Tools
- Smile, it’s contagious – pass it on!
- An Attitude of Gratitude
- Magical Acts of Kindness
- Amazing you (self-love)
- Accepting others as they are
- Friendships and Bullying
- Trusting your Gut – using your Intuition
- Mindfulness techniques
- Your Mind-body Connection
- Eat Smart – fuelling your mind and body
- Water: Nature’s perfect drink
- Exercise - you were made to move
- Sleep - one of the most essential wellbeing tools
- The most powerful happiness tool on the planet

- Letting go of past hurt – we don’t let go for the other person, we let go for ourselves
- How a simple rock can change your day
- The best things in life are free!
- The power of a positive team
- The Broom test
- Staying safe online
- Dreams and Goals
- Vision boards, and visualising
- The Five Love Languages
- The ripple effect of Positive Intentions
- The power of Music